FG Con 16

Global RPG Con - Friday April 16th to Sunday April 18th, 2021

Event List

Player Registration Open!


FG Con 5 Player Registration Open!

With approx 30 game sessions already open for registration from today head on over to the website at http://www.fg-con.com/events/ to book in for some games! Once you have booked your interest the GM for that particular game will approve your booking and send you confirmation. There are over 20 more planned sessions to be posted in the next 2 weeks.

Friday 17th – Sunday 19th October 2014

Once the game session is full its full so dont leave your bookings to the last minute.


GM Registration Ongoing!

GMs there is still plenty of time to book in your games. With FG Con running in 8 weeks time we have opened up the player Registrations. The earlier you post your games the quicker you can fill them up and guarantee your session runs.

Contact team@fg-con.com with any questions!

Running a game at FG Con is really easy and is a great way to show off your favourite ruleset, a home grown adventure, your best tricks and traps and to meet new gamers. We’ll help you fill up your game sessions and help you communicate with your players.


D&D 5E Debuts on FG Con

The latest and greatest version of the worlds most popular role playing game is getting the royal treatment by SmiteWorks. Check out the amazing character sheets, combat tracker, effects and other automation being built right into the Fantasy Grounds client.

Check out the 5 minute review of the 5E character sheet by Joey Turco of +Gamerati by clicking the image below.


About FG Con

FG Con is a community effort to bring together a wide range of gamers twice a year for a totally free Fantasy Grounds Virtual Convention. GMs and organisers are all volunteers.

About Fantasy Grounds

Fantasy Grounds is a virtual online gaming table primarily intended for pen and paper style narrative role playing games. Fantasy Grounds is designed to perform many of the things you can do while playing at a conventional gaming table and move it online. Fantasy Grounds streamlines character management, encounter preparation and execution making game play fast and fun.

Fantasy Grounds is a trademark of SmiteWorks. The official Fantasy Grounds website can be found here: http://www.fantasygrounds.com/