It is very important that you have the correct settings in your profile in order for the event times to display your local time correctly. This event is running across the Americas, Europe, Asia and the Pacific – if you get the time wrong you will miss out and prevent someone else from participating in your spot.
The time zone settings are within your user profile page (click on the “Howdy, <your user name>” link at the top right of this page in the grey status bar) or click on this link. Scroll down to the bottom of your profile to find the “Current Timezone” (1) and “Timezone UTC Offset on May 8th” (2) settings, these are read only values that are set based off your selection from the drop-down “Please select your timezone” list (3). Click on the “Please select your timezone” list and select the timezone relevant to you – the timezones are listed in Region/Location so please scroll through the list and select your relevant timezone, when you have made your selection press the “Update Profile” button and once the page updates you should see your current timezone and UTC offset populated – the following is an example screenshot for US/Mountain time:
The “Timezone (numerical offset from UTC)” parameter will reflect the UTC offset on May 8th – the first day of the convention. Note: Northern Hemisphere locations with daylight savings changes will be in Daylight Savings Time on this date – the website UTC offset will take this into account, all you have to do is select your correct timezone.
You only need to do this once. If you revisit this page the TimeZone selection field will be blank but you should see your previously saved TimeZone in the next (read only) field. You only need to re-enter your TimeZone if it has changed.