FG Con 16

Global RPG Con - Friday April 16th to Sunday April 18th, 2021

Event List

FG Con IV – Summary

Well, that’s it. FG Con IV is nearly over… From what I’ve heard everyone has had a good time.

I firstly want say MANY BIG THANK YOUs to damned. He has done by far the lion’s share of the work for this conventions – visiting many external forums and sites to publicise the convention, sending out GM and player updates, putting newsletters together, checking on event entries and bookings on the website, chasing GM and players to clarify details, putting post game surveys together; then finding time to run 3 player and GM intro sessions, AND running a Castles & Crusades game. [B]Thanks so much Damian[/B], this very successful convention wouldn’t have happened without you.

There is so much work involved in the background for these conventions that I look back with mixed feelings at the end of a FG Con – partly sad that it is over, but also partly happy that I get a portion of my life back for a couple of months before we start work towards FG Con V.

A few statistics:

  1. 39 sessions, compared with 23 events at FG Con III and 21 events in FG Con II. That’s a 70% increase from III to IV – pretty amazing if you ask me. 🙂 At one point we actually had 50 events registered, but some of those didn’t go ahead due to low player booking or other not-to-be-forseen issues.
  2. The number of Pathfinder Society (PFS) sessions stayed the same as FG Con II at 15 (the minimum we need for product support from Paizo). This is very encouraging as it shows that there has been a big increase in non-Pathfinder games – 200% increase in fact! 🙂
  3. 183 (approx) player sessions booked. Up from 120 at FG Con III.
  4. Over 20,000 site visits – double that of FG Con III.

The following is a screenshot of the weekly hits (FG Con III is on the far left) – the stats for this last week are skewed because we got a lot of hits from visitors from Steam:

Site Stats

FG Con is run purely by volunteers.  We run FG Con for a number of reasons:

  1.  Because we *love* playing RPGs on Fantasy Grounds!
  2. Because we want to allow people the opportunity to play different games (perhaps games they wouldn’t usually play) or just get the chance to play a game in a fun, happy, community ran convention.
  3. We want to introduce Fantasy Grounds to players (and potential GMs) outside of the Fantasy Grounds community.

To do this, we rely heavily on the FG community to step up and run games. Not everyone can GM a game on FG as it requires knowledge of the application and preparation time. As such we have a limited number of people who can run games for FG Con and so we are always going to be limited in the total number of events we offer. Thanks to all of the GMs who have ran games at FG Con I – IV, I hope that GMs will return for FG Con V and more GMs will join the gang and run games.

Again, a BIG thanks to all GMs who ran games for this convention. 🙂

A few GM details:

  1. First event – damned with a player intro session.
  2. Last event – Blackfoot’s Champions playtest.
  3. Most events – damned – 4
  4. Joint second: Mask_of_Winter – 3, wyld – 3, Fizban – 3, jshauber – 3, Blackfoot – 3


Anyone who took part in the convention should have received an email with a link to an online survey (thanks damned), please take the time to fill that out with your feedback. There is also a thread for additional feedback here: http://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20974-FG-Con-IV-Feedback

Damned and I will be taking a break for a few weeks and then we’ll look at dates for FG Con V and start to get organised for that…

Thanks everyone!